Monday, June 23, 2014


Precise and bitter sweet, two words that would best describe "Feica A Life With Cartoons". A short and thorough documentary by Zahid Gill gives us a glimpse into the life of our well known cartoonist Feica and the politics of Pakistan shaping his cartoons. 

Rafique Ahmed or Feica (that he is infamously known) started his career in 1981 with the Star as cartoonist. The volatile and constantly changing faces of politics in Pakistan also shaped the scribble of his pencil. All he requires is a single panel and with a few lines he weaves his magic; transforming that little blank space into a story with humor, satire, news and reality. 


In the documentary, Feica candidly reflects how since his younger days the outlook and mindsets of our nation have evolved. How the politics paved way for religious fanaticism,  which further led to the present crisis that our country suffers.

He not only provides an intimate history but also his views as a neutral observer over the political arena of Pakistan. with his words, which are just as straightforward as his cartoons, he remembers some important incidents long forgotten. The viewer smiles, laughs and even gasps at times as the documentary progresses. 

The documentary itself is as interesting as its subject. A very well edited fast paced piece that keeps the viewer glued. Most interesting is the unusual use of graphics, noise and icons along side Feica's Cartoons, which make the viewer 'feel' and absorb every moment of the film. The transitions are witty and carefully craft the flow of the documentary. the sudden twists and turns with which Zahid takes us on this little journey makes it an experience. 

In the end, the viewer is nothing less then dazed, overwhelmed and silent. Silent about what they have just witnessed and heard. We know there is no lie in it. We know what we have seen has happened. Then again, it is our own mind set that makes us decide if the truth told is to be 'accepted' or not.  
tsk tsk. 

(the images are screenshots from the documentary, and have been obtained after permission from the owner)

1 comment:

  1. A documentary that made me yawn. 10+ minutes documentary that was aimed on criticising dictators and hailing likes of Bhuttos. I admit, we have been through a transition that is not ideal for any country but rather than crying about the past why can't we suggest something that is better and workable.
    Post-production part was good, infact overdone at some places. Storytelling was average. It could have been better if the duration is around 5 minutes. I would rate the documentary 3/10
